J. Café™ is an event hosted by singer/songwriter Julian Owens and produced by Jufura Media Unlimited™ in collaboration with local partners and sponsors. Enjoy juice and java, jazz and jokes in a setting where contemporary adults meet to safely mix and mingle.



This monthly event is hosted by singer/songwriter Julian Owens and is produced by Jufura Media Unlimited in collaboration with local partners and sponsors. In addition to live music and spoken word, Owens facilitates judgement-free, engaged discussions about current events, as well as themes and messages presented in the news and information industry, and media entertainment. Juice, java, jazz, inspirational R&B and gospel music is fused with lively discussions about the judicious use of music and media to promote health, hope, and healing, in times like these.

To learn more about how you may get involved as a sponsor or partner, please contact: drjulianowens@gmail.com