Imagine if everyone was taught in school that the arts, especially music, have special attributes that can heal. Imagine if we learned in school that music’s energy, when treated with deference and reverence has the potential to be helpful when used purposefully. Jufura Media Unlimited, via the FreeFeelGoodMusic.com platform extends a lifeline of health, hope, and healing through music and media. We are blessed to share music’s healing power through words, melodies, and visual imagery. Listen, watch, and experience the music of singer/songwriter, Julian Owens, and Inspirational Soul Recording Artist, J’Dillian,


    The Information and News Industry and Media Entertainment [INIME™] is the lens through which many of us acquire our perspectives about life. These perspectives are planted and grow over time via familiar schema used in scripts, songs, ads, and commercials. Stereotypes are powerful reminders that the social construction of personhood was intentional and remains purposeful today. Some of what we see and learn about ourselves from the INIME, especially when our brains are developing, distracts us from seeing the INIME’s pervasive role in creating stereotypes. We extend a lifeline to optimal health, hope, and healing via music and media.



    Music and media are seamlessly woven into our daily lives from the cradle to grave. Both have the potential to influence how we think and feel about ourselves, others, and the world around us. Understanding this persuasive and powerful influence enables us to better assess how best to use music’s energy. Dr. Juju [a.k.a., Dr. Julian Owens]. a Behavioral Health Mediatrician, offers Music and Media Therapy [MMT], as an extension of MusicsEnergy. This evidence-based, culturally responsive intervention is for young people, ages 14 – 24. School and community based mental health and support services align with MTSS, and RTI.